Project Patrons

By becoming a Project Patron you get the chance to secure and participate in the long-term develop-ment of a project. You can nominate one of the Schmitz Foundations‘ projects that you would like to support – long-running development projects and schemes are particularly suitable.

As a Project Patron you designate the project (a center for the handicapped or street children) or scheme (village development, micro credits) to which you would like to provide long-term support.

Our tip: our on-line donation assistant (see “donations and aid”) offers you the chance to become a Project Patron

If you have any questions, you’re most welcome to contact the Schmitz Foundation at any time. We’ll be happy to advise you.

Phone: +49 (0) 211-3983770

Donations Account:

Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf
Konto 1005 530 595
BLZ 300 501 10
IBAN: DE13 3005 0110 1005 5305 95

Credit Suisse, Bern
Kto.-Nr.: 0094-840229-51
IBAN: CH47 0483 5084 0229 5100 0