Your Foundation

With a trust foundation your assets, such as real estate, securities and other financial resources will be administered in trust, separately from the assets of the W. P. Schmitz Foundation and your financial resources remain permanently under your name.   The W.P. Schmitz Foundation will take complete care of the administration of your foundation and will advise you on all questions concerning projects.

You realise your own ideas by establishing a development aid foundation without any of the usual bureaucratic work and can yourself select the areas of activity and projects.

If you are interested in setting up your own foundation you’re most welcome to contact the Schmitz Foundation at any time. We’ll be happy to advise you.

Phone: +49 211-3983770

Donations Account:

Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf
Konto 1005 530 595
BLZ 300 501 10
IBAN: DE13 3005 0110 1005 5305 95

Credit Suisse, Bern
Kto.-Nr.: 0094-840229-51
IBAN: CH47 0483 5084 0229 5100 0